by Susan Denisi | May 5, 2023 | Middletown, Clog, Drain, Float Cup, Ohio, Overflow, Plunger, Rubber Flapper, Tank, Tips and Tricks, Toilet Bowl, Water Damage, Water Source, Water Supply, Water Valve
Have you ever experienced a situation where after using the bathroom, you flush, and the water level in the toilet bowl keeps rising, seemingly out of control? This is never a fun situation to be in! So, what can you do to minimize the aftermath? Well, to be honest,...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2023 | Middletown, Faucet, Leak, Plumbing System, Seasonal Change, Shutoff Valve, Sink, Spring, Sprinkler, Sump Pump, Toilet, Transition, Water Hose
As your trustworthy local plumbing company, Middletown Plumbing & Drain wants you to be ready for the transitional weather of spring. Although it’s only March, it’s now time to get your plumbing system prepped for warmer temperatures! To assist you in this...
by Susan Denisi | Feb 1, 2023 | Middletown, Clog, Emergency Services, Faucet, Leak, Pipe, Plumbing Emergency, Service Professional, Shutoff, Toilet, Valve, Water Supply, Winter
Have you ever considered the fact that numerous home repairs can be attributed to unanticipated plumbing emergencies? Believe it or not, water damage is a serious issue and can lead to costly results. Being proactive now may appear unnecessary when everything in your...
by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2023 | Middletown, Blown Out, Burner, Extinguished, Flame, Flashlight, Gone Out, How To, Lighter, Ohio, Pilot, Pilot Light, Plumbing & Drain, Relight, Water Heater
Have you encountered an issue with your water heater’s pilot light being out? That could be due to the effects of a gusty wind or even when the gas supply was turned off during maintenance. No matter what caused this small setback, Middletown Plumbing &...
by Susan Denisi | Dec 1, 2022 | Frozen Pipes, Back Up, Clog, Damage, Emergency Plumber, Indoor Pipes, Kitchen Drain, Middletown, Outdoor Drain, Outdoor Pipes, Plumbing Problems, Septic Tank, Sump Pump, Water Heater, Winter
By taking proper precautions concerning your plumbing system, you can winterize your home and help prevent potential winter plumbing problems. However, it’s essential to remember that some issues are impossible to predict or stop, no matter how much maintenance...
by Susan Denisi | Nov 8, 2022 | Maintenance, Checklist, Drips, Fall, Fall Maintenance, Frozen Pipes, Garden Hose, Gutters, Leaks, Middletown, OH, Outdoor Faucets, Pipe Insulation, Plumbing & Drain, Water Heater
Plumbing disasters may occur at any time of the year or despite weather conditions. But most assuredly, the wintertime is the most common time of year for plumbing issues to take place. But hold on. It’s still autumn. But being aware of how your residential...